Why Go Solar?

Why should you go solar? Solar energy has emerged as the smart choice for homeowners looking to reduce and control their electricity costs while doing the right thing for the environment. While for many years, the initial cost of solar was out of reach for a lot of people, today’s homeowner can install a complete solar energy system for as little as $0 down. Monthly payments could be less than your current electric bill. You are already paying for electricity. Now you have the choice to buy your own clean solar energy system instead of paying your existing electric bill and renting their dirty electricity.

Need more reasons to go solar?

Here are at least six:

1. A strong financial decision

When we compare the cost of electricity purchased from the power company to the cost of electricity from solar, we find that the cost of electricity from solar is consistently less than the local power company.  The cost of electricity from solar doesn’t go up every year like your power company bills do.

2. The grid is a risky place.

With the uncertainty and volatility of today’s electricity market, the potential for sudden and dramatic electricity price increases is a very real threat to your household budget. New power plants you’re already paying for are canceled halfway through construction. Corporate takeovers loom.  Federal cases are being considered that directly affect what you pay for power.

South Carolina is already the most expensive state in the nation for residential electricity.  We buy a lot of power for our homes across the entire state.  And in the Lowcountry, we pay rates far above the state and national averages. Why buy power from a utility company that’s not interested in giving you choices when you can own your own clean, quiet, reliable power plant on your own roof?

3. The strong, silent type.

Solar power systems don’t make any noise. They don’t move. They don’t need to be oiled or refilled with fuel.  When owning your own power plant on your roof may seem intimidating, the lack of maintenance is one of the strongest advantages of going solar.  When installed correctly, solar panels can reliably and predictably make electricity for your home for over 40 years.

4. Do the right thing.

Everyone knows that going green is good for the environment.  We’re used to paying a premium for the “green product”.  Solar energy systems are one environmentally friendly option that actually costs less.

5. You own it.

The day of the solar lease has passed.  Leases have increasing payments every year, and they can complicate the sale of your home.  Today’s smart solar consumer finances their solar system with a specialized loan designed just for solar.  This allows you to own the system and receive all of the great solar incentives, for as little as $0 down.  You can be approved for your solar loan in less than five minutes.

6. Get an edge on the real estate market.

According to a recent study, homes with solar sell about 20% faster than non-solar homes.  Why?  Because solar lowers the total cost of owning your home.  Lower utility bills mean more buyers can afford to live in your home.  By utilizing the PV Value system, we can help you estimate the value that solar will add to your home.  Evaluated and supported by the Appraisal Institute, this tool accurately predicts how much solar will add to the value of your home in future years.

Areas Served

South Carolina

  • Beaufort County
  • Charleston County
  • Lexington County
  • Richland County
  • Georgetown County
  • Dorchester County
  • Florence County
  • Horry County
  • Greenville County
  • Aiken County
  • Jasper County
  • Greenwood County


  • Chatham County
  • Effingham County
  • Bryan County
  • Screven County
  • Sumter County
  • Bulloch County
  • Richmond County
  • McIntosh County
  • Long County
  • Liberty County
  • Candler County
  • Jenkins County
  • Burke County
  • Wayne County

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